Before making a planning application you are strongly encouraged to seek pre-application advice for which there may be a charge.
Welsh Government Amendments to pre-application consultation procedures:
May 2020
Update December 2020
Download the Statutory pre-application advice guidance note (pdf)
Download the Statutory pre-application advice enquiry form (pdf)
Download the Discretionary pre-application advice guidance note (pdf)
Download the Pre-application questionnaire for childminding premises (pdf)
The council does not consult with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) as standard on pre-application enquiries, including enquiries in flood risk areas.
We will try and advise prospective applicants if we consider that it would be useful for you to contact NRW early in the process.
Download the NRW guide to pre-application service for development planning (April 2017) (pdf) which includes any associated pre-application charges.
If you decide not to seek pre-application advice you are encouraged to consider the current policy context that your application will be assessed against, the Newport Local Development Plan and supporting Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG).
Sustainable Drainage Approving Body (SAB)
From 7 January 2019 any developments with a construction area of 100 square metres or more, or of more than one dwelling, require the prior approval of the Sustainable Drainage Approving Body (SAB) to a system of sustainable drainage (SuDS).
This is mandatory and projects cannot lawfully commence without this approval.
SAB approval is separate to planning permission, you must make separate applications for each.
You are advised to obtain early professional drainage advice if your project meets or exceeds the above thresholds.
Exemptions include:
- construction areas less than 100 sqm
- existing sites with planning permission prior to 7 January 2019
- sites for which a valid planning application has been received by 7 January 2019
- sites for which outline permission has been granted by 7 January 2019 and an associated reserved matters submission is made by 7 January 2020
Don't forget to check Newport's building regulation requirements.
Contact the planning team at Newport City Council with any enquiries.
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