Learning Welsh in Newport

welsh language image

Newport has a vision for the next 10 years; that everyone in Newport can use, see and hear Welsh as a living language in all parts of life across the city.

“See, Hear, Learn, Use, Love”

Newport is a multicultural city with a rich and diverse linguistic make up.

The Council is committed to seeking opportunities and overcoming challenges to promote Welsh language skills and support bilingualism in a positive environment underpinned by the principles of inclusion and equal opportunity.

We support and encourage pupils to use Welsh across a range of activities, and our schools develop opportunities to allow this to happen.

Using the language regularly contributes to the Welsh ethos of a school. All schools are supported and encouraged to embrace and celebrate the Welsh language and Welsh culture. 

We are proud to have opened our fourth Welsh-medium primary school in September 2021, which increased the number of Welsh-medium primary school places available across the City by 50%.

This exciting development supports the Welsh Government’s aim of achieving 1 million Welsh speakers across Wales by 2050. It will also help the Council to meet the objectives outlined in our Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP)

Through our commitment to the Welsh language and bilingualism, we will always:

  • Promote and maintain strong links with Welsh-medium pre-school providers
  • Consistently apply the Council’s School Admissions Policy across both English-medium and Welsh-medium sectors
  • Facilitate effective transition between all phases of Education
  • Support efficient and effective immersion arrangements for pupils who choose Welsh-medium education later in their school lives
  • Maintain appropriate arrangements for the availability of home to school transport in line with the agreed Council policy
  • Ensure that Welsh is taught across all schools in accordance with National Curriculum needs, and support pupils in English-medium schools to sit accredited examinations in Welsh
  • Aim to improve support for children and young people with additional learning needs so they have equal access to opportunities within Welsh-medium education
  • Make access to high quality teacher training easier to support the development of the Welsh language
  • Recognise that speaking Welsh is a desirable asset in the person specification when recruiting staff
  • Work with schools to promote the economic benefits and increased employment opportunities associated with learning Welsh
  • Ensure that pupils have the confidence to pursue higher and further education opportunities through the medium of Welsh, and
  • Nurture Welsh language skills by seeking opportunities to promote these wherever possible and encouraging pupils to use and develop their Welsh-language skills in the community.

The Welsh-medium journey 

Early Years

Welsh-medium early years childcare and education places are available across Newport through Early Education, Flying Start, Cylch Ti a Fi (baby and toddler groups) and Cylchoedd Meithrin (playgroups).

To find your nearest provision contact Newport’s Family Information Service


Welsh is the official language of formal and informal activities in Welsh-medium schools. All teaching and assessment, except English as a subject, is in Welsh at all key stages. The aim is to make sure children can speak, read and write in both Welsh and English, reaching the expected levels of attainment across the whole curriculum.

We teach Welsh by emphasising understanding before speaking, stimulating children to listen, learn and speak using a wide range of activities appropriate to their ages and interests, known as the immersion technique. The curriculum introduces English at Key Stage 2 (age 7). 

Some families choose Welsh-medium education for their children later in their school lives, and we are here to help so that these children’s language skills are similar to other children of their age. We offer this through dedicated immersion provision available in both the primary and secondary sectors.

Ysgol Gymraeg CasnewyddYsgol Bro TeyrnonYsgol Ifor Hael logo

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Specific courses are available to study bilingually at Coleg Gwent. The college also offers opportunities to study Welsh as a second language, Welsh language and bilingual study support through HWB Cymraeg and social activities through Clwb Cymraeg. The college will continue to focus on embedding full bilingual units into the main qualifications in priority bilingual curriculum areas.

Further Education and Adults

Coleg Gwent offers Welsh for Adults courses for all stages of learning and ability.

The University of South Wales offers a number of courses for study in Welsh.