Anti-social behaviour

As of 1 April 2024, the Community Safety Enforcement Officers will operate from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. 

Use our noise app to report complaints about noise.

Report ASB and noise nuisance

Email - [email protected]

Or telephone:

  • Contact the city Contact Centre on (01633) 656 656 between 8am - 5pm Monday - Thursday and until 4:30pm on Friday to speak to a member of the Environmental Protection or Community Safety Enforcement Teams.

  • The Community Protection Department will continue to operate a 'Out of Hours' service. Please call the CCTV operations room on (01633) 656 667. Calls will be logged and then actioned on the next working day.
  • If you are already in contact with a member of either the Environmental Protection Team or a Community Safety Enforcement Officer and you have been asked to call when the noise disturbance or anti-social behaviour occurs, please contact your case officer on their direct line, during our operational timings.
  • If you are using the noise app, please continue to submit noise app recordings such evidence is invaluable and will strengthen any investigation considerably, where appropriate. 

To contact Gwent Police, telephone 101 or in an emergency dial 999.

Community Safety Enforcement Officers

Newport's Community Safety Enforcement Officers are accredited by Gwent Police and have powers under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.

They can deal with reports of noise nuisance, litter, dog fouling, graffiti, fly-tipping, smoking in public places and can confiscate alcohol and cigarettes if necessary.

They work closely with the council's environmental health team to deal with noise nuisance.

Read about how we deal with noise complaints

Victim support

The victim support officer will assess the needs of the victim and offer practical support and advice working with community safety wardens and police to ensure that victims receive support.

Contact Victim Support Wales or telephone 0845 612 1900 for further support. 

Read about Public Space Protection Orders


Contact the community safety officer at Newport City Council.