Educational psychology service

Educational psychologists (or EPs) help schools, nurseries and the council to make decisions in the best interests of children and young people who have difficulties which affect their learning and development.

A nursery or school will always ask parents for written consent before an EP starts working with a child or young person. 

Sometimes, parents may want the EP to see their child before the school has decided that this is necessary.

In these cases we ask parents to discuss their concerns further with the school first and then, if appropriate, a referral can be made to the EPS via school.

Download our Information for Parents and Carers leaflet (pdf)

In Newport, EPs are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and each school in Newport has a link EP. 

What we do

EPs work with the school, often observing a child in class or at play, talking to key members of staff, looking at a child’s work, behaviour and development and discussing plans and strategies that are in place.

Sometimes the EP will talk with a child in a quiet area to seek their views and complete an assessment.

The EP, key members of staff and sometime parents will then jointly come up with a plan of action designed to help the child in school.

A record of the discussions and the agreed actions will be sent to the parent or carer and school.

Work with the school will often be followed by a meeting between the EP and parent or carer.   

It is helpful to allow some time to see if the agreed action plan works out before asking for a review.

However, a parent or carer can ask to meet with the EP at any time via the school or by contacting Newport City Council and asking for the educational psychology service.


An EP needs the consent of a parent or carer before discussing or meeting with a child or young person, unless the young person is old enough to give their own consent and asks that interviews are kept private.  

Quality assurance

All our EPs are checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)  and work to a nationally agreed code of practice.

As practitioner psychologists they are registered with the Health Care Professionals Council who monitor competence for practice which is  maintained through regular supervision and continual professional development.

We ask schools and nurseries for feedback and suggestions for improvement.


We welcome any comments you may have to help us to improve the service. 

Parents and carers - please share your comments 

Children and young people - please share your comments

Privacy notice - Educational psychology service (pdf)


Contact Newport City Council and ask for the educational psychology service. 

TRA88904 01/08/2018