Planning appeals
A planning appeal can be made:
- against the council’s decision to refuse an application for planning permission
- against any conditions imposed by the council when granting planning permission
- against the council’s failure to determine an application within the statutory period.
There is no right of appeal for third parties, e.g. neighbours or other consultees, except against the decision to grant or issue a Lawful Development Certificate.
The legality of a decision to grant permission can be challenged at the High Court.
If a party considers that a decision has not been reached in a proper manner, a complaint can be made to the council or to the Local Government Ombudsman to review the way in which a decision was made but cannot review or overturn the decision.
Appeals are made to the Planning and Environment Decisions Wales, part of the Welsh Government.
A copy of any appeal should be sent for information to the council and addressed to the Planning Officer (Appeals).