Supplementary Planning Guidance

In addition to the adopted Local Development Plan, Supplementary Guidance (SPG) provides clear direction on planning and development issues. 

The council consults on draft documents prepared to supplement policies in the Adopted Local Development Plan and the following SPGs have been formally adopted and are relevant to the consideration of planning applications:

Shopfront Design SPG (pdf)

Sustainable Travel SPG (pdf)

Planning Obligations SPG (pdf)

Affordable Housing SPG (pdf)

Archaeology and Archaeologically Sensitive Areas SPG (pdf)

Wildlife and Development SPG (pdf)

House Extensions and Domestic Outbuildings SPG (pdf)

New Dwellings SPG (pdf)

Flat Conversions SPG (pdf)

Waste Storage and Collection (pdf)

Parking Standards SPG (pdf)

Housing in Multiple Occupation SPG (pdf)

Security Measures for Shopfronts and Commercial Premises SPG (pdf) 

Mineral Safeguarding (pdf)

Outdoor Play Space Provision (pdf)

Trees, Woodland, Hedgerows and Development Sites (pdf)

Air Quality (SPG) (Feb 2018) (pdf)


Conservation Area Appraisals


Strategic Environmental and Habitat Regulations Assessment

Environmental Assessment of 5 SPG documents 2019 (pdf)

(Waste, House Extensions and Domestic Outbuildings, New Dwellings, Flat Conversions and Planning Obligations) 

Environmental Assessment of Air Quality and Development SPG documents 2018 (pdf)

Environmental Assessment of 4 SPG documents 2016 (pdf)

(Mineral Safeguarding, Trees, Hedgerows and Woodlands and New Development, Houses in Multiple Occupation, Outdoor Play Space Provision)

Environmental Assessment of 10 SPG documents 2015 (pdf)

(Planning Obligations, Affordable Housing, Archaeology and Archaeologically Sensitive Areas, Wildlife and Development, House Extensions and Domestic Outbuildings, New Dwellings, Flat Conversions, Parking Standards, Housing in Multiple Occupation and Security Measures for Shopfronts and Commercial Premises) 


Contact the planning policy team.