Lower Dock Street

Lower Dock Street conservation area map

The Lower Dock Street Conservation Area was designated on 28 April 1995 and the boundaries were extended on 7 December 1999.

Download a plan of the Lower Dock Street conservation area (pdf).

An Article 4(2) Direction (pdf) removing certain permitted development rights was implemented on 23 April 2002.  

This Direction means that some alterations to a domestic property cannot be made without the need for planning consent e.g. removal or renewal of windows and doors.

Read the guidance document for preferred architectural details (pdf)

Lower Dock Street 

The Lower Dock Street conservation area contains over 240 houses and many commercial buildings ranging from traditional shops and offices to a Masonic Hall, a former customs house, a cattle market and a drill hall.

Ten of the buildings are listed grade ll.  

In the middle of the 19th century the area was a thriving community owing its existence initially to the arrival of the canal and railway systems and to the construction and operation of Newport Dock which was opened in 1842.

The area supported a diverse range of activities including merchants of every kind, e.g. coal, timber, chandlery, fruit and vegetable etc. with a full range of shops as well as hotels and public houses.

Commercial buildings housed professional practices such as solicitors, engineers and surveyors as well as consulates (Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Austrian, Chilean and United States to name but a few) and organisations including the Board of Trade, Harbour Commissioners and Customs and Excise.  

The quality of the buildings constructed during this period reflected the high status of the occupants and even though the area fell into decline in later years (following the opening of the Alexandra Docks) much of this architecture has survived and in many cases the special historic and architectural interest of the buildings has been acknowledged by placing them on the statutory list.  

Download the Lower Dock Street Conservation Area Appraisal (pdf)

Restoration and regeneration

The first phase of a Townscape Heritage Initiative programme funded jointly by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Cadw, the Welsh Development Agency, Welsh Assembly Government and Newport City Council has been completed and a second phase is scheduled.

This programme of grant aided work has successfully regenerated not only several of the commercial buildings situated on or near Lower Dock Street but also a good number of the domestic properties which also contribute to the character of the conservation area.  

The dwelling houses in this conservation area are subject to an Article 4(2) Direction which means that a planning application is required for certain works that are visible from public places, e.g. alterations to or replacement of doors and windows, alterations to chimneys and roofs including replacement roof coverings and roof windows.

Surface treatments to external walls such as the removal of existing renders or the application of new renders also require planning consent.

Consent for changes to external decorations may also be required. 

View details of Newport's listed buildings  


Contact the conservation officer at Newport City Council.