Please note: we will be issuing bus passes/permits throughout the month of August. Please do not chase for an update until the last week of August.
Free home to school transport is provided to:
primary aged pupils who live 2 miles or more from their catchment or nearest available school
secondary aged pupils who live 3 miles or more from their catchment or nearest available school, including Welsh-medium and faith schools.
A child qualifies for free home to school transport to an alternative school as long as:
1. this school is nearer than the catchment school, and
2. the qualifying distance is met
Although each school has a catchment area under the council’s school admissions policy, parents can express a preference for any school they would like their child to attend.
If you choose to send your child to a school that is not your catchment school, you will be responsible for all transport costs and arrangements.
If your application to a preferred school is not successful, you will qualify for help with transport only if your child attends either the catchment school as an alternative or the next nearest available school (decided by the council) and if the qualifying distance is met.
If you choose an alternative that is not your catchment school or the nearest available school, you will be responsible for all transport costs and arrangements.
Parents of eligible children starting school reception class or year 7 in September 2024 can apply now for free school transport. The closing date for applications is 19 May 2024.
Apply for free school transport September 2024-July 2025
Pupils already using school transport do not need to re-apply unless they have moved home address or changed school.
Season tickets will automatically be renewed and sent to your home address during August.
Contract permits issued previously will not expire until the date shown on the pass.
If there is a change of school, home address or if the council finds a shorter walking route within the distance criteria limit, a child may no longer be eligible for free home to school transport.
If a child's home address changes please tell us immediately.
Only pupils in Reception and Year 7 and others making a first application need to apply.
Concessionary transport
Applications for concessionary seats for school transport 2024/25 are now open.
The closing date for applications is 16 August 2024.
These seats are available for paying passengers on contracted transport operated by the council (not on Newport Transport buses).
Applications are dealt with on a first come, first served basis, we cannot guarantee that spaces will be available for all pupils.
If any qualifying pupils subsequently apply during the academic year, places will be withdrawn on a last in, first out basis.
Apply for concessionary seat school transport September 2024 - July 2025
Disabilities and special educational needs
Free transport is arranged for pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs if the SEN service has agreed that it is needed.
The service is usually provided for children who attend either special schools or a unit attached to a mainstream school, other than their local schools.
Read about the decision process
Post-16 students
Applications for post-16 school transport 2024/25 are now open.
The closing date for applications is 16 August 2024.
Post-16 students who qualify for home to school transport assistance under the agreed distance criteria may receive a discretionary travel grant of £150 for each academic year.
The travel grant can be used for whatever transport best meets their needs.
If using the local bus service, tickets (daily, weekly, termly, annually) can be purchased directly from the local bus provider.
Apply for post-16 school transport September 2024 - July 2025
College transport
Applications for September 2024 are now open. The closing date is the 31st July 2024.
Please ensure applications are received before the closing date so that your travel grant will be in place for the start of the academic year.
If your application is received after the closing date, we cannot guarantee that your travel grant will be in place for the start of the academic year.
Apply for college transport September 2024 - June 2025
Download our passenger transport privacy notice (pdf)
Download our Privacy notice - Aditional learning needs home to school transport (pdf)