School admission appeals
If you are refused a school place you will receive a decision letter explaining why and giving information about your right to appeal - there is no right of appeal for nursery admission.
To make an appeal you must complete the pro-forma sent with your decision letter, outlining the reasons why your child should be admitted to the preferred school.
This form should then be sent to the council by the closing date to ensure that the appeal will be heard.
When we receive the appeal you will receive further guidance on what to expect and a date and time for the hearing.
Appeals must be arranged within 30 working days of the closing date unless the application is outside of the normal admissions round in which case appeals must be arranged within 30 working days of the appeal being received.
Admission appeals panels are independent and help to ensure a balance between the right of parents to a full and fair hearing, and protecting schools against admitting so many children that it effects education or the efficient use of resources.
In all cases you will receive the panel's decision in writing which is final and binding on all parties.
Email [email protected] or [email protected]