Dangerous structures and demolition

The council’s building control service operates a 24 hour 365 day emergency service to survey dangerous buildings, for example after a fire or wind damage.

Immediate action will be taken if required to protect the public from a dangerous structure.

Report a dangerous structure by calling (01633) 656656

Demolition notification

The building control service monitors demolition work to protect public health and safety.

A demolition notice is required before demolition work starts on any building exceeding 50 cubic metres (1750 cubic feet), roughly the size of a single garage.

The council must be notified in writing of the intention to demolish the building and work must not start until a demolition notice is received in return - see the demolition notice application below.

Notification process

Write with details of your intention to demolish, including a site plan showing the boundaries and extent of the demolition.

Include any precautionary measures being put in place to safeguard adjacent or adjoining buildings and any general public protection measures.

A notification should also be sent to neighbouring occupiers, the Health and Safety Executive and the gas, electric and water suppliers.

We aim to issue demolition notices within five working days, demolition should not start until the notice is received.

The notice will contain conditions designed to secure the health and safety of the public and copies will be sent to the gas, electric and water suppliers, to neighbouring occupiers, environmental health and the fire service.


Permission is normally required for the demolition of a building exceeding 50 cubic metres in size. 

Apply for a section 80 demolition notice 

Read about demolition on the Planning Portal.


Contact Newport City Council and ask for building control, or email [email protected]