1.Local Development Order consultation, April-May 2015
Newport City Council consulted on the establishment of a Local Development Order (LDO) to remove the 'red tape' for certain types of development in the city centre.
The LDO would grant blanket planning permission for non-contentious forms of development in a defined area for three years.
Only specified uses would be allowed on the lower, ground and upper floors of buildings and there would be exemptions – for example, only shops would be allowed on the ground floor of properties in the primary and secondary retail areas.
The LDO should benefit the city by increasing occupancy levels and commercial activity.
Download the draft Local Development Order (pdf)
Download the draft Local Development Order Statement of Reasons (pdf)
2. Matters Arising Changes, June – August 2014
The council has consulted on a number of proposed changes that have arisen as a result of Matters Arising to date during Hearing Sessions 1-19 of the Examination into the Local Development Plan.
The changes were made to the submitted version of the Local Development Plan (December 2013).
The changes also include a number of Minor Changes that were made following consultation on the Revised Deposit LDP (June 2013) and reported to Full Council during December 2013 and formed part of the submitted Plan.
These MACs were subject to formal consultation from Friday 20 June 2014 to 5pm Friday 1 August 2014.
Copies of the Schedule of Matters Arising Changes along with related updates in terms of the Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the Strategic Environmental Assessment) and the Habitats Regulations Assessment) were also available to view and comment on.
A tracked changes version of the Local Development Plan including the Matters Arising Changes is also available.
3. Statement of Focussed Changes, February – April 2014
The council consulted on changes to a number of allocations as a result of the M4 safeguarded route being corrected.
4. Alternative Sites Register at Revised Deposit Plan Stage, September – October 2013
Newport City Council consulted on the Alternative Sites Register at the Revised Deposit LDP stage for a six week public consultation period during September and October 2013.
5. Revised Deposit Local Development Plan, June 2013
Newport City Council consulted on the Revised Deposit Local Development Plan and associated documents during June – July 2013.
Only comments provided during the consultation period for the Revised Deposit Plan were sent to the Inspector for examination.
6. Alternative Sites Register, August –September 2012
The council consulted on the Alternative Sites Register for a six week public consultation period during August and September 2012.
7. Newport Local Development Plan 2011 – 2026 Deposit Plan
Sustainability Appraisal Report
Habitat Regulations Assessment (April – June 2012)
The deposit Newport Local Development Plan 2011 – 2026, Sustainability Appraisal Report and Habitat Regulations Assessment went through a six-week consultation process during April-June 2012.
8. Preferred Strategy, January – March 2010
As part of the process of preparing the Newport Local Development Plan 2011 – 2026 (the LDP), a Preferred Strategy (pdf) seeks to set out an overall direction for the Plan, giving a broad indication of what the Plan will do, providing interested parties with the opportunity to contribute to the shaping of the strategy, which can then be worked up into more detail for the Plan which is scheduled to be placed formally on deposit towards the end of 2010.
9. Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report, January – March 2010
As part of the process of preparing the Newport Local Development Plan 2011 - 2026 (the LDP), an Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report (pdf) and Appendices A-C (pdf) and Appendix D (pdf) * were produced and made available for comment.
The purpose of Sustainability Appraisal is to promote sustainable development through better integration of sustainability (economic, social and environmental) considerations in the preparation and adoption of plans.
The Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report will be updated in light of consultation responses and a final Sustainability Report will be produced to accompany the deposit plan, scheduled for late 2010.
*Please note the appendices are large documents and may take some time to download.
10. Screening Report for Habitat Regulations Assessment, January – March 2010
As part of the process of preparing the Newport Local Development Plan 2011 - 2026 (the LDP) and as required by the Habitat Directive, an Initial Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report (pdf) was produced.
This report is a record of the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening stage which makes informed decisions on whether there are likely to be significant effects on European sites as a result of the Newport Local Development Plan 2011 - 2026 (LDP).
11. Strategic Options, March - May 2009
The Strategic Options (pdf) stage represents the point at which the actual content of the LDP begins to be considered in earnest.
The council has identified a number of key options for the plan, covering various aspects of housing, employment, the Celtic Manor and a possible airport in the Severn Estuary.
Responses were invited on the options to help the council develop a Preferred Strategy for the plan.
12. Call for Candidate Sites, March – May 2009
Submissions were invited of proposals for sites to be considered for allocation in the plan for a particular use.
These Candidate Sites may be proposed for development, e.g. housing, or for other uses, e.g. open space.
13. Draft Vision and Objectives, December 2008
As part of the process of preparing the Newport Local Development Plan 2011 – 2026 (the LDP), Newport City Council has to decide on the vision and objectives that will help shape the preferred strategy and subsequent policies for Newport from 2011.
The proposed Draft Vision & Objectives (pdf) set the overall direction for the LDP.
14. Draft Candidate Site Criteria, December 2008
The council needed to decide how it would handle the invitation it must make for candidate sites, which are defined as sites that any interested party would like to see allocated for a particular use in the plan.
The sites submitted will need to be assessed as to their suitability for inclusion in the plan, so the draft candidate site criteria (pdf) will need to be developed against which sites can be judged.
Comments were invited as to the suitability and appropriateness of the criteria.
15. Call for major candidate sites, October 2008
The council invited submission of major sites that could deliver key elements of what could be a potential strategy for the plan.
For more information visit the Local Development Plan page
16. Draft Scoping Report of Sustainability Appraisal, October 2008
The council, working with consultants Atkins, produced a Draft Scoping Report (pdf) and Appendix (pdf) for the Sustainability Appraisal of the LDP.