Applications to the UK Community Renewal Fund are now closed.
On 3 March the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak MP, announced the one-year UK Community Renewal Fund (UK CRF).
The intention is that this will be used to pilot new approaches to move away from the EU Structural Funds, in preparation for the introduction in 2022/23 of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The UK CRF will finance:
- Investment in skills
- Investment for local business
- Investment in communities and place
- Supporting people into employment
Applications to the UK CRF are to be co-ordinated by local authorities across the UK. Newport City Council will co-ordinate the submission of an application for projects in Newport.
The council is expected to appraise bids submitted to it by Friday 21 May 2021 using the application form below, and to shortlist them before submitting the shortlisted bids to the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government for assessment and hopefully approval.
All councils must submit their shortlisted bids to the Ministry by noon on 18 June 2021.
The Government has expressed a preference for applications that request at least £500,000. The shortlist of prioritised bids from a county may not exceed £3 million in value. The Fund will primarily (90%) fund running costs rather than capital investment.
Who can apply?
Bids for funding may be made by any legally constituted organisation delivering an appropriate service. Bids cannot be submitted for projects that benefit a single entity (for example a single business) – there must be evidence of wider impact for multiple individuals, businesses or other organisations.
While Newport City Council has not been designated within the top 100 priority places, bids are still invited of up to £3m for Newport.
The UKCRF will be managed by ‘lead authorities’. Newport City Council is the lead authority for Newport.
Key Dates
21 April - Community Renewal Fund website launch and open call for applications
21 May - deadline for local submissions to be submitted
18 June - deadline for lead authority to submit application to Government
End July - successful projects confirmed for delivery
31 March 2022 - project delivery end date
Application process
Applications to the UK Community Renewal Fund are now closed.
Instructions for applicants and application forms are on this page. It is essential that all applicants refer to the Prospectus published by the UK Government. It may be found at: UK Community Renewal Fund
The prospectus provides detailed information on the objectives of the Fund, the types of projects it intends to support and how it operates, including the process and selection criteria that will be used to assess bids.
Successful UK Community Renewal Fund bids will be for 2021/22 only and activity must end in March 2022.
UK Community Renewal Fund Assessment Process
UK Community Renewal Fund Invitation to Submit Project Bids
UK Community Renewal Fund Application Form
Technical note for project applicants and deliverers