Free, accessible, quality information for parents and childcare professionals
If you live or work with children or young people from 0 to 20 and are looking for childcare, information about early years education, activities for your children or parenting support, Newport Family Information Service (FIS) is here to help.
Call us on 01633 210842 with answerphone service or use our online enquiry form.
We provide information for families who live or work in Newport, including:
We also hold briefing sessions and a training programme for people wanting to or already working with children.
Antenatal and early years registration
Our Newport early years team provide a range of services for the whole family. They are designed to give every child the best start in life.
Services include:
- antenatal programmes, advice, and support
- family and parental support
- child development support
Once you have completed our registration form, we will contact you to offer relevant advice and services as your child grows.
Antenatal and Early Years registration form
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
The Childcare Act 2006 makes it clear in legislation the importance of the role Local Authorities should play in the provision of local childcare. It reinforces the need for local authorities to continue to work in partnership with the maintained, independent, private, voluntary, and community sectors to shape and secure children’s services.
This report examines statistical information relating to private, public, and voluntary childcare and play providers within Newport City boundaries.
The report is split into eight sections, which you can read below.
Read our Executive Summary of the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (pdf) which provides a brief overview of the full report.
Newport Family Information Service
Phone: 01633 210842
Email: [email protected]
Use the online enquiry form
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Young Newport has information about services for young people.
Neighbouring Family Information Services
Torfaen FIS 0800 0196 3300
Cardiff FIS 0300 0133 133
Caerphilly FIS 01443 863232
Monmouthshire FIS 01633 644527
Privacy notice - Family information service (pdf)