Registering a stillbirth

We appreciate that this is a difficult time, and we will do our best to assist in any way we can. Please contact us on (01633) 839790 for help and advice.

Every stillbirth in England or Wales must be registered in the district in which it takes place.

If is not convenient for you to visit the register office for that area, you can go to any register office in England and Wales to make a declaration of the particulars required for the registration.

Newport Register Office operates an appointment system, please telephone to make an appointment to avoid unnecessary waiting.


Please bring with you the medical certificate of stillbirth issued to you by the doctor or midwife present at the time.

Contact Newport Register Office for further information.

Who can register a stillbirth?

In the case of the stillbirth of a child whose parents are married to each other, either the mother or father can register the stillbirth.

Where the parents are not married to each other, the mother can register the stillbirth herself.

If the mother wishes the father’s details to be entered he has to attend with her at the time of registration.

Help and support

SANDS (the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society) offers help and support to recently bereaved parents.

Directgov: Stillbirth