Young Persons

Fostering square 620083109

Information for Young Persons

Not all children live at home with their parents and there can be lots of reasons why this is not always possible.

When you are unable to remain with your parents social services will always look for another family member, such as a grandparents or aunt/ uncle or a family friend who may be able to care for you instead.  

When this happens it can often be confusing and you may have a number of questions you want to ask. Your social worker will be able to help answer some of these questions and your carers will be able to support you with this.

There are different ‘legal’ ways that you can stay with a family or friend carer:

  • Your carer may be assessed to become your ‘foster carer’. This is where the Local Authority (Newport) hold legal responsibility for you but your carer will take care of you on a day-to-day basis.
  • Your carer can legally care for you by becoming your ‘Special Guardian’. In this case, your carers and parents will both hold legal responsibility for you. However, your carer will hold a larger portion of responsibility. This means that if your carers and parents do not agree, then your carers will make the final decision.

Regardless of how you are cared for, you can still access support from social services. This could be emotional support to help you understand the changes in your life and to understand the reasons why decisions have been made, or it could be more specific support focusing on other issues important to you.

If you feel you would like help or support, please speak with your carer or social worker if you have one. You can also contact the Family and Friends team on 01633 235317 or email [email protected] and ask to speak to a social worker.  

Your rights

As a young person you have rights that are legally binding and set out what Governments should do to support you. This is called The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This includes your right to express your opinion and be listened to, as well as your rights in relation to the care you receive. You can access a full list of your rights at

You can also access independent support though the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS). NYAS offer advocates who can support and listen to you and help to get your views heard. You can contact them via their website here or on 0808 808 1001.


Contact us

If you have any queries, worries or concerns, please contact the family and friends team on 01633 235317 or email [email protected]

You can also contact your social worker.