Street collections

A permit from Newport City Council is needed for a charity collection in a street or public place in Newport. 

The permit application should be made no later than one month before the proposed date of the collection - contact the licensing team below before you apply to check if the date you have in mind for the collection is available. 

Authorisation from the charity to collect on their behalf must be submitted with the completed application - there is no application fee. 

Apply for a street collection licence

Tacit consent applies, which means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority after two months. 

A financial statement must be returned within one month of the collection date which must be signed by the applicant and a qualified accountant.

Failure to do so may result in any future collections being refused.

Download the street collection statement form (pdf) and return it by post or find it online.

In accordance with the City Centre Public Space Protection Order we can no longer authorise Direct Debit collections for the city centre.  

House to house collection licence

A licence is required to collect money or goods that you intend to sell at a later date on behalf of a charity. 

The application should be made no later than one month before the proposed date of the collection, no fee is required.

Authorisation from the charity to collect on their behalf must be submitted with the completed application. 

If you are applying from a clothing collection company with the intention of collecting on behalf of a charity, you must submit the recent agreement or contact between the company and the charity. 

Apply for a house to house collection licence

Tacit consent does not apply - it is in the public interest for the authority to process your application before it can be granted. If you have not received a response within a reasonable period please get in touch.

If your application is successful, you will receive the licence and a certificate which must be forwarded to HM Stationary Office. 

You should be aware of any cold calling control zones in Newport.  

A financial statement must be returned within one month of each collection date and must be signed by the applicant and a qualified accountant.

Failure to do so will result in any future collection applications being refused. 

Direct debit collectors do not require a licence, please contact the licensing team to discuss available dates.  


Email [email protected] or ask for the licensing team at Newport City Council.