Newport's Neighbourhood Hubs offer residents easy access to vital services in local communities.
Opening hours are: 9am-4pm
Health and wellbeing support at your neighbourhood hub
Drop-in sessions for people looking for advice about returning to work, finding a better job or increasing their skills are available at Newport’s neighbourhood hubs.
As part of a regional project called CELT (Connect, Engage, Listen, Transform) the free sessions will focus on health, wellbeing and employment support.
The teams at the hubs are particularly calling on parents and carers who have children starting school in September and are perhaps considering what to do next. There will be advice and support to improve their employment prospects, skills or qualifications.
The following sessions will be running at Central and East Neighbourhood Hubs:
- Coffee & Unwind: Where parents can come along for a coffee, and we will look at a different topic each week (e.g. housing/mental health/finances) ending with learning about mindfulness.
- Wellbeing Walks (linking with Community Development Teams): Open to the whole family with a potential park stop. Showing the benefits of being outside and active.
- Explore your Future: Looking at moving parents closer to employment/upskilling. This is going to be a rolling programme looking at Goals/Barriers, CV’s/Job Searching and encouraging participants to gain qualifications and engage with our employment contracts
- Support in group sessions or 1:1
To find out more Contact Danielle on 07837 394152 or email [email protected]
Need employment advice? We can help
We can provide advice and support if you are at risk of redundancy, have recently been made redundant, furloughed, or are working zero hour contracts.
Contact us for employment mentoring, support in writing CV and job applications, free employment related courses, advice on how to access financial support e.g. for interview clothing, travel to training courses and interviews, digital access and support, childcare and food banks.
For more information call freephone 08081 963482 or email your local Hub below
Families First
Visit Newport Families First to read how this Welsh Government programme supports families, particularly those living in poverty.
Download the Families First self-referral form (Word).
Download the Families First referral form for use by professionals (Word)
Other services offered by the Hubs may include:
- Flying Start - groups for babies, toddlers and parent support
- free online parenting support for all residents - use access code SWSOL
- play and youth clubs for children and young people
- classes and opportunities for adults to undertake accredited and casual learning
- library services and events
- support for young people aged 11-25
- after school activities and school holiday play schemes
- Welsh language classes
- support for people with ESOL
- redistribution of low-cost quality food to people in need
- community projects, e.g litter picks, community health champions, community growing projects
- Health and fitness activities
- Recycling - collect your green food waste bags from your local Hub
Your Neighbourhood Hub
Central Hub
Pill Millennium Centre, Courtybella Terrace, Newport, NP20 2GH
Email: [email protected]
Covering: Pillgwenlly, Victoria, Stow Hill, Allt Yr Yn
East Hub
282 Ringland Circle, Newport NP19 9PS (the former Ringland community centre)
Email: [email protected]
Covering: Ringland, Alway, Somerton, Lliswerry, Beechwood, St Julians, Langstone, Llanwern
North Hub
Bettws Community Centre, 43 The Precinct, Bettws NP20 7TN
Email: [email protected]
Covering: Bettws, Caerleon, Malpas, Shaftesbury
West Hub
Maesglas Community Centre, Bideford Road, Newport NP20 3XT
Email: [email protected]
Covering: Tredegar Park, Graig, Gaer, Marshfield, Rogerstone