Newport City Council gives the highest priority to protecting vulnerable children.
Call (01633) 656656 or 0800 328 4432 if you are concerned about a child
Where there is evidence that a child is at risk of harm, our children and family services team will make an assessment and investigation and take action if necessary.
The South East Wales Safeguarding Children Board brings together partners including social care, health, education, police, probation and the voluntary sector.
All agencies are expected to take any actions needed to safeguard children and promote their welfare.
Report a concern
If you have any concerns about a child please report them to the social service duty officer on (01633) 656656 or the emergency contact team on 0800 328 4432.
Ending Physical Punishment in Wales
On 21 March 2022 the law is changing which means physically punishing children will be illegal in Wales.
The change in law does not create a new offence but it removes an old law to bring children’s rights in line with those of adults - they cannot be “physically punished” in any setting, including their home, for their behaviour by any person.
It will not stop parents disciplining their children - there is a big difference between discipline and physical punishment. Parents can use alternatives to physical punishment as a means of maintaining discipline and addressing poor behaviour. It will not interfere with a parent’s ability to parent- parents can of course physically intervene to keep a child safe from harm.
Find out more about ending physical punishment in Wales and what it means on the Welsh Government website
Child Protection Register
Newport City Council keeps a Child Protection Register in line with government guidance.
The register is a database of children confirmed as at risk of significant harm and is kept very securely with only authorised staff able to see the information.
All children whose names are on the register should have a qualified social worker who will oversee any work that the conference has recommended.
Regular meetings with parents and professionals involved with the family, held between child protection review conferences, make sure that a child protection plan is implemented.
Advocacy services
If your child has a social worker, they have the right to an independent professional advocate.
The advocate will meet with your child and speak for them at meetings or to other professionals, to make sure your child has a say in decisions being made about them.
This service is offered by NYAS (National Youth Advocacy Service), an independent service with a free Help Line on 0808 808 1001.
You can also contact the NYAS project coordinator for Newport on 0785091275.
Data protection and confidentiality
Information on your child’s file will not usually be shared with any other agency without your consent.
As we work closely with colleagues in health and education we will usually ask for this consent as it will help to ensure that your child gets the best service available.
Under the Data Protection Act you or your child may have access to your case file within certain limits.
Download the Children and Young People's Service privacy notice (pdf)
Child Protection Review conferences
If a child's name is on the register there will be regular Child Protection Review conferences to decide whether the child should stay on the register or not.
The conference may recommend further work depending on the registration.