Mini Police

Strong resilient communities

This is a programme of work within the Newport Well-being Plan 2018-23.

Intervention Leads: Chief Supt Carl Williams (Gwent Police) and Chris Dawson-Morris (Aneurin Bevan University Health Board)

Partnership Team Support: Huw Williams (NCC) / Caoimhe Cantwell (NCC)


Working with the community and a range of organisations to identify assets and needs, developing a targeted, preventative place-based approach with local communities that considers the long term and empowering local people to lead and develop their local community.

Steps / Actions

    • Build on the positive work already undertaken in the Pillgwenlly area and work with local people to:
      • Identify resources and needs within that community. Aspects to consider will include community strengths and assets, cohesion and engagement, health, well-being, employment, skills, environment, safety, appropriate housing, arts, heritage, sports and Welsh language.
      • Develop and implement an action plan with a preventative focus that is owned by both the PSB and the community.
    • Step 2:  Extend the above targeted approach to other communities using information provided in the Community Well-being Profiles and engagement activities to identify areas of work.
    • Step 3:  Develop and promote an overarching volunteering programme for Newport to enable people to volunteer and foster community resilience
    • Step 4:  Develop multi-agency community hubs at key locations around Newport to support local service provision
    • Step 5:  Develop a framework to support community groups re: governance and funding.
    • Step 6:  Development of an asset plan and process that enables joint delivery of services and empowers communities to find their own solutions
    • Step 7:  Strengthen communities by using the resources within the University of South Wales Early Years and Social Care Team, the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Hub and other key partners to develop preventative approaches to ACEs and early years development.


Case studies relating to the work of this intervention can be viewed here.

Performance dashboards for this intervention can be viewed here along with the Annual Reports for 2020-21, 2019-20 and 2018-19.

Cycling and walking by canal
