Employee self service (ESS) gives you direct access to the council’s record of your own important personal and job details.

You can update some of this information yourself and view your payslip online. 

Please avoid using Microsoft Internet Explorer when accessing your ESS account. This browser is no longer supported by the platform and may cause significant issues.

You will need to use your ESS username and password to login. 

Login to ESS

Contact the iTrent helpdesk if you have any issues. 

Important security advice

As the ESS system includes sensitive information about you, it is important that you use it responsibly to ensure that the security of your personal information is maintained.

You should always log out once you have finished and should never let anyone know your ESS username and password.

Click on 'logout' in the top right-hand corner or close the browser or tab as this will log you out automatically.

Other employees can not see your details through ESS, only their own.