The Auditor General for Wales audits the accounts of the council. It handles carrying out data matching exercises.

Statement of accounts

The statement of accounts is the statutory summary of the council's financial affairs for the financial year.

The purpose of the statement of accounts is to give electors, local taxpayers, council members and any other interested parties clear information on the overall finances of the council.

Payment of invoices

To switch to Bankers Automated Clearing Service (BACS) payments or have any payments from the council paid direct into your bank account 

Payments to suppliers 

The payment to suppliers reports list the total payments to suppliers with a cumulative value of over £500 for each financial quarter.

Building control

Local authorities are required by The Building (Local Authority) Charges Regulations 2010 to publish an annual financial statement relating to their building regulations chargeable and non chargeable account. 

Newport Matters production costs

Newport Matters is Newport City Council's newspaper for residents. It is produced six times a year.

All content and design are produced within the council. No staff are employed only to work on Newport Matters. 

  2021-22 2022-23
Number of editions per year 6 6
Gross printing cost for 6 editions £12,872 £18,211.81
Gross delivery cost for 6 editions £26,664  £29,164.98
Advertising income for 6 editions £1,720 £2,080
Annual net cost for 6 editions £37,816 £45,269.79
Average net cost per edition £6,302.67 £9,059.36
Average net cost per resident per year 24p 30p
Average net cost per resident per edition 4p 6p