The Eco Post air sensors give an indication of how clean the air is using a coloured light display which changes colour if the air quality state changes hourly during the day; green showing the cleanest air and purple the most polluted.
The sensors, which are the first Eco Post sensors in the UK, have been installed in five locations so far, with one more to come. Three of the locations, Caerphilly Road by the play area, Malpas Road, and High Cross by High Cross Primary school, are in an air quality management area.
The other sensors have been installed in the city centre, near the Riverfront Theatre, and by the new Pillgwenlly primary school building. One more sensor will shortly be installed in Maindee.
The sensors check the air for nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. They then give a visual indication of the air quality based on the UK government's daily air quality index (DAQI).
If the sensor is displaying a green colour band, that indicates low pollution. Amber indicates moderate pollution, red indicates high and purple indicates very high.
Each post has a QR code on it which allows residents to download the EcoClou app. The app allows residents to see what the sensor is showing in real time.
It also allows residents to track the air quality over the course of the previous week.
“Part of our air quality work is about making sure residents know what the air quality in their area is like,” said Councillor Yvonne Forsey, cabinet member for climate change and biodiversity.
“The Eco Post air sensors do this by providing an easily accessible indicator of how the air is around their location.
“We’re hopeful that the sensors will encourage people to think about the air quality in their area, and how they can make choices that help keep pollution levels low.”
For more information about our air quality work, visit our website.