Officers from a number of council teams, led by our community protection team, were out engaging with residents and businesses alongside partners from Gwent Police and the Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service (GDAS).
The teams spoke to businesses about city centre issues to gain an understanding about the problems they face and also provide advice and action on elements such as street drinking issues.
The teams also spoke to businesses about the proposed renewal of the city centre public spaces protection order, which is currently out for consultation.
They also engaged with residents and visitors to the city centre, with people welcoming the noticeable presence of the teams.
The council’s trading standards team also visited three stores in the city, seizing over 18,000 illegal cigarettes and 3.4kg of illegal tobacco in the process.
The action day was the first in a series of actions focusing on the city centre, with partners planning an increased regular presence alongside more action days and weeks.
“While we know that lots of people who work in or visit the city centre have very positive experiences,” said Councillor Pat Drewett, cabinet member for communities and tackling poverty with responsibility for community safety, “we also know that there are issues of anti-social behaviour in the city centre that we need to address.”
“Last Thursday’s action day is just a small part of the work our teams put in every week to tackle anti-social behaviour, but it will become a regular feature as we seek to reassure residents, businesses and visitors alike.
“I’m grateful to our partners in the police and GDAS for joining us. Effective partnership working between agencies is going to be critical in these efforts, as is our engagement with residents and businesses.
“It’s great to hear that our officers and partners were met with a very positive reaction while they were out and about last week.”
Sergeant Paul Turner, from the Newport neighbourhood policing team, said: "The work that our officers carry out, in partnership with Newport City Council and other organisations, is vital to ensuring that people continue to feel safe.
“This day of action formed part of the new Problem Solving Policing (POP) Plan for the city centre which includes addressing any incidents of anti-social behaviour in Upper Dock Street and the surrounding areas.
“With more visible patrols of officers in known hotspots and our close working relationships with licensees, community safety officers and night-time ambassadors, we have seen a month-on-month decrease in recorded offences for violent crime and robbery in the city centre.
"I want to reassure all residents, businesses and visitors to Newport that we're listening to your concerns and we’re committed to working with our partners to continue to make life better and safer for everyone."