Active Travel maps
You can view our active travel maps online.
Our active travel network map shows every active travel route in the city, including shared footpath/cycle paths, on-road cycle paths, footpaths, traffic calmed streets, and more.
Download and view our network map (pdf)
You can view current and planned routes on Data Map Wales, Welsh Government's online map service.
The Data Map Wales site will also show you active travel routes from across Wales.
View the Data Map Wales interactive map
The National Cycle Network has a range of interactive maps showing where you can travel across the city and wider south-east region.
View the National Cycle Network interactive map
Safer Routes in Communities
Using Welsh Government's 'Safer Routes in Communities fund, Newport City Council worked with Sustrans to create a set of active travel maps focused on three local schools and the wider Newport area.
Information about the project at each school, along with copies of the maps, can be found by clicking the links below.
St Joseph’s RC Primary
Malpas CIW Primary
Tredegar Park Primary