School admissions forum

The Newport School Admissions Forum is a statutory committee that meets twice per academic year to look at how the council meets the Welsh Government’s School Admissions Code for a fair admissions system for English and Welsh-medium education.

Members are appointed by the council and include representatives from organisations involved in education in Newport. 




Newport City Council

Education Service Manager

Newport City Council

School Admissions Manager

Newport City Council

Elected Member 

Newport City Council

Elected Member

Diocesan Authority of the Roman Catholic Diocese

Director of Schools and Colleges, Archdiocese of Cardiff

Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools

Headteacher (primary)

Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools

Headteacher (primary)

Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools

Headteacher (secondary)

Voluntary Aided Schools

Chair of governors (secondary)

Voluntary Aided Schools

Headteacher (primary)

Parent Governors

Parent Governor (primary, English-medium)

Parent Governors

Parent Governor (primary, Welsh-medium)

Local Community (minority ethnic groups)

Head of GEMS

Local Community (Additional Learning Needs)

ALN Manager

Local Community (Early Years Provision)

Teacher Advisor


Previous minutes are available on request.

Annual reports


Contact Newport City Council and ask for the school admissions team.