Federation of Gaer and Maesglas Primary Schools

The proposal

The governing bodies of Gaer Primary School and Maesglas Primary School, together with Newport City Council, put forward a proposal to use the powers granted under the Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014 to establish The Gaer and Maesglas Primary School Partnership

The term ‘federation’ describes a formal and legal agreement by which the schools involved work together in formal partnership with shared governance under a single governing body.

The two schools have worked on a collaborative basis since April 2019 when the experienced headteacher of Gaer Primary School was also appointed as the executive headteacher of Maesglas Primary School, initially on only a temporary basis until August 2021. This arrangement has been successful and has had a positive impact on both schools. This has led to both governing bodies expressing a desire to formalise the relationship between the two schools.  

The aim of the Federation is for the two schools to work in partnership to: 

  • develop the excellent shared practice that guarantees outstanding experiences and increased opportunities for pupils and staff
  • develop the common goals and reflective approaches to teaching and learning that will ensure that both communities benefit from a quality education

This will ensure significant positive outcomes and improved standards for both school communities. 


The Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014 outline a statutory requirement to seek the views of stakeholders on federation proposals.

The consultation took place between 21 June and 1 August 2021. Results of the consultation are detailed in the consultation report (pdf).

Appropriate stakeholders for this purpose were defined as:

  • the staff of both schools
  • the parents, carers and guardians of pupils attending both schools
  • the pupils attending both schools (exercised via the two school councils)
  • teaching and support staff unions representing teachers and staff at both schools
  • local ward members for both schools
  • the headteachers of all schools within the John Frost School cluster area
  • the Education Achievement Service for South East Wales (EAS)
  • Estyn 

Download the consultation document (pdf)  

Download the consultation document (Easy read version) (pdf) 

This information was also available on the Gaer Primary School and Maesglas Primary School websites, and hard copies were available for inspection at both schools. 

Final determination

Both governing bodies considered the consultation report (pdf) and agreed that they wished to proceed with the proposal.

As a result, the final determination was referred to Newport City Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills who has agreed that the proposal should be implemented as outlined in the consultation document.  

An Instrument of Government (a legal document that records the constitution of a governing body) will now be developed for the federated governing body in order to elect and appoint governors as appropriate.

This will include the chair and vice-chair of the federation. 

The federation, known as The Gaer and Maesglas Primary School Partnership will be formally established with effect from 1 January 2022 at which point the governing bodies for the two individual schools will be dissolved. 

Download the Report to the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills (pdf)

Download the associated Decision Schedule (pdf)

Download the Fairness and Equality Impact Assessment (pdf)

Download the final decision notification letter (pdf)