For an overview of the Replacement Local Development Plan process and current engagement activities please visit
Where are we now and where are we trying to get to?
Newport City Council is preparing a Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) to cover the period 2021-2036.
When adopted this will replace the current Local Development Plan (LDP).
The RLDP will contain policies and proposals which together will provide for the development needs and aspirations of the city as well as protecting and enhancing its social, cultural and environmental assets.
The council is in the very early stages of preparing the RLDP. The council is working towards preparing the preferred strategy, but must first identify the optimal growth and spatial options available for the RLDP.
Growth and spatial options consultation
The growth and spatial options paper presents different housing and employment growth options and broad options for where that growth could be located (spatial options).
Housing and employment growth options have been identified using technical research which is presented alongside this paper.
Growth and Spatial Options Paper
Technical Research:
Demographic Evidence
Employment Land Review - Executive Summary
Employment Land Review - with appendices
The purpose of the housing and employment growth options is to introduce different scales of growth which have been derived using different methods or assumptions to gain feedback to inform the preferred growth strategy that will be delivered by the RLDP.
Different spatial options are presented to provide an indication of how growth could be distributed across Newport, albeit no specific locations have been assessed at this stage.
Once these have been through a process of engagement, they will be used to inform the preferred strategy for the RLDP.
Consultation (now closed)
The consultation period for the growth and spatial options ran from 25 January 2023 to 8 March 2023. This consultation period is now closed.
The comments received within the consultation period will be considered and will inform the preferred strategy, anticipated in late 2023.