
Making Newport a digital city - council adopts Digital Charter

Posted on Friday 5th August 2016

Newport City Council has taken another step forward in its commitment to create a digital city, by becoming the first council in Wales to adopt the Digital Inclusion Charter as a whole organisation.

Digital Communities Wales developed the charter – the aim of which is to promote digital skills and help people get online.

Councillor Roger Jeavons, Newport City Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Services, Work and Skills, said: “Times are changing – more and more people are using the internet, mobile devices and social media to access council services and we must keep pace. Our digital strategy details clear plans on how information and technology will be used to develop better access to services, respond to the expectations of our citizens for a 24/7 council and support people to develop their skills and confidence when using such technology. Adopting this charter perfectly complements the aim of our digital strategy.”

The charter includes six pledges, and is a simple way for organisations to show how they are helping people enjoy the benefits of the internet. Signatories of the charter also commit to working together in a spirit of co-operation to promote digital inclusion in Wales.

The principles of the charter that Newport City Council has committed to are to:

  1. Ensure that all our staff and volunteers have an opportunity to learn basic digital skills, and that they take advantage of this opportunity.
  2. Ensure that digital inclusion principles are embedded into our day to day activities.
  3. Encourage and support our staff and volunteers to help other people to get online and have the confidence to develop basic digital skills, and help other organisations to embrace digital tools.
  4. Commit support and resources for digital inclusion activities and initiatives in Wales in whatever ways we can.
  5. Share best practice and activity around digital inclusion with Digital Communities Wales so that our activities can be co-ordinated for maximum impact and measured consistently.
  6. Look to build local partnerships amongst organisations which want to share ideas and co-ordinate activities with others in their area.

Other work being carried out to develop Newport as a Digital City includes:

  • Helping local businesses access superfast broadband
  • Proving free Wi-Fi in the city centre, in public buildings such as libraries and leisure centres, and on local buses
  • Offering support and training to help people get online. For example, Digital Fridays are drop-in sessions held at Newport’s libraries where volunteers give advice and help people get more IT savvy
  • Using technology within council service areas to deliver more efficient services
  • Increasing the number of services that can be accessed/requested online

For more information about the charter, free Wi-Fi in Newport or how Newport is working to become a digital city, visit

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