
Another successful PopUp Business School for Newport

Posted on Thursday 28th June 2018

More than 120 people attended the latest PopUp Business School to get top tips from experts on starting or expanding a business.

Run in partnership with Newport City Council, the free two-week training course was designed to give budding entrepreneurs the support, tools and confidence they need to make that important first step.

The sessions were also open to people who already had a business but wanted some free professional guidance into such topics as sales and marketing, building a free website and finding customers.

Henry Nicholson, of the PopUp Business School, said:  "The Newport event has been the biggest and best one yet. We've had a huge number of people through the door, some amazing business ideas and success, just in the first two weeks.

"We had a real mix of people in the room; some that have run businesses for years wanting to try something new, some that had never tried it before and everyone else in-between! We can expect to see an amazing new group of entrepreneurs in Newport that will grow and thrive."

Councillor Jane Mudd, Newport City Council's cabinet member for regeneration and housing, said: "We were delighted to work with the PopUp Business School for a third time. They delivered their expert sessions with a refreshing enthusiasm which will have inspired even more people to turn their business dreams into reality.

"I would like to thank the PopUp Business School for their invaluable assistance to all the participants and to the council's own economic development team for the continuing support they offer to start-ups, established firms and those wishing to relocate to the city.

"To build on the success of these events, the team has been organising monthly business clinics in Newport Market with the help of partners which can help with test trading opportunities, support with training, assist in finding grants or loans and much more."

The next one takes place on 9 July. To find out more about the business clinics by contacting David Gape on 01633 678514 or email [email protected]

For further information other support offered by the council's business services team visit

Monmouthshire Housing Association and Newport Now supported the PopUp Business School's visit to the city.

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