Questions to CM Regeneration & Investment

Member question: Councillor Matthew Evans, received 22 March 2017

Subject: Bridge to replace railway subway

Could I have an update on progress made since August 2016 regarding plans for the new station footbridge, I have attached previous replies for reference (see below


A Basic Asset Protection Agreement has been signed with Network Rail to enable discussion on land requirements for the bridge landing and a funding request has been forwarded to Welsh Government’s financial project managers, Chandler KSB, to commence design of the bridge. 

The funding request has been deferred at this time, as Metro phase 2 funding is currently allocated to electrification of the rail network. Chandlers will discuss alternative funding options with Welsh Government, but are yet to confirm funding availability. Issued 5 April 2017

Member question: Councillor Matthew Evans 

Subject: Bridge to replace railway subway

At the beginning of August last year I asked the following question and received the following response.  

I refer to your recent question to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Investment in respect of a proposed footbridge at Devon Place:  

Question to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Investment 

In April 2014 the Transport Minister Edwina Hart announced £4 million funding package for Newport, some of which was intended for a new footbridge between Devon Place and Queensway for a much needed replacement to the underpass. The original intention was to upgrade the current footbridge, but I understand this is due to be demolished in May 2016 as part of the electrification works. So can you give Members an update of progress on this scheme and when do you expect the new footbridge to be completed ?  

Response from the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Investment  

Examination of Network Rail's proposal for a new footbridge over the station between Devon Place and Queensway to replace the subway highlighted issues with construction as the central support was through the existing subway, a lift was required to provide Disability Discrimination Act access together with general buildability difficulties. 

It has been agreed with Welsh Government to undertake a study to determine the best location and nature of a new footbridge linking to the regenerated city centre to facilitate the closure of the sub-way before detail design is undertaken. 

The study is anticipated to be completed this year and detail design commenced upon receipt of Welsh Government approval with a view to the bridge being provided in 2016/17. 

Since then an update was provided by the Minister at the time at the Assembly. Can the Cabinet Member give us an update of progress over the past year? Date received: 18 July 2016


The ‘Sustainable Access to the City Centre study’ confirmed that the location of the proposed footbridge was the most appropriate.  

Subsequently, Arup were commissioned to undertake a feasibility study on providing a fully DDA compliant footbridge at this location. A compliant design has been produced with a DDA circular ramp on the Queensway side of the station.  

As the ramp will be located on Network Rail land, the study was forwarded to them for comment and a subsequent meeting held, at which they confirmed that the proposal was acceptable in principle. Network Rail will now formerly assess the proposal and respond. The timescale for this assessment is not known at this time, but officers will continue to liaise with Network Rail to ascertain their views as soon as possible. Date issued: 16 August 2016