Questions to CM Community Services, Work and Skills
Member question: Councillor Fouweather
Subject: IT services within Newport
Will the cabinet member update me as to the progress of the amalgamation of IT services? Received 7 October 2016
Following a Scrutiny Review of IT services a number of options for the future of IT were considered. One of these was a partnership with the Shared Resource Service (SRS) – a partnership of local authorities and Gwent Police. Cabinet made the decision, from the evidence presented to it through the Scrutiny Review Group, to pursue a partnership with the SRS. To this end work has been underway over the past six months to enable this to happen. At the end of September 2016 Newport City Council formally presented its final business case to the SRS Board for consideration. This was accepted, pending a due diligence process. Once this is complete we will move towards a formal arrangement with the SRS for the delivery of services. Issued 20 October 2016