Children and young people need to meet one of the criteria from section A and one of the criteria from section B below before services can be provided by the disabled children's team.
Section A
1. Children and young people aged under 18 years who have a severe physical, learning or sensory impairment, including an autistic spectrum disorder, which is both chronic and substantial.
A severe disability is one where:
- the child needs substantial support from equipment or another person to carry out basic functions e.g. personal care, eating, night time care, walking;
- as an adult it is expected that they will continue to need support from equipment or another person to carry out basic functions.
2. Children and young people under 18 years of age who have a terminal or life threatening illness.
Section B
1. Immediate danger and vulnerability of child or young person.
2. Risk situation where child is likely to suffer significant harm.
3. Child’s health and development is likely to be impaired or further impaired without the provision of services.
Children who meet criteria in Section A but do not meet criteria in Section B2 may be eligible for information, advice and guidance.