Early years education
Newport City Council offers every three year old child in Newport a free part-time place in an education establishment in the term following their third birthday.
Applying for a place for your three year old
Registered education providers
'Non-maintained settings' include playgroups and private day nurseries who are registered with Newport City Council and Estyn. These childcare providers are recognised as registered education providers of free part-time education for three and four year olds.
Children who live in Newport and who attend one of these providers may be entitled to funding to cover a 2 hour early years education place for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 days per week (term time only).
Funding will be paid directly to the provider and children must attend a minimum of three sessions on separate days to be eligible.
Funding covers the 2 hours of education per day but may not cover any additional hours attended within the setting and you may still incur a charge. Please speak to individual providers to discuss this in more detail.
Your child's education session can take place in two registered education provider establishments although you cannot access more than five sessions per week.
In addition, you are not permitted to access a morning and an afternoon education session on the same day even if it is at your second non-maintained setting. Please be aware that providers are subjected to audit checks when making a claim for education sessions for each child.
Please telephone 01633 210842 for further information.
Read more about nursery admissions in Newport.
'Wrap around' is the term given to childcare for three and four year olds that ‘wraps around’ the 2 hour early education session to offer parents extended childcare and is usually offered by playgroups, cylchoedd meithrin or day nurseries. Newport Family Information Service are here to help you find wrap around childcare should you require it.
Read about Welsh language education in Newport