Support for children accessing childcare
Early Years Wales understands the difficulties faced by a child who needs extra support to join in a childcare setting with other children.
The Additional Needs Referral Scheme can help if a family is struggling to understand their child’s behaviour, actions or needs, by helping to find a playgroup, nursery or childminder that can cater for the child’s needs.
The scheme can provide additional help in the form of a one-to-one worker, support in a smaller group of children to help with their development or practical guidance to the childcare setting, as well as sign posting to other services and agencies who may be able to support a child.
The family and child are at the heart of the scheme, ensuring that the child gets the best possible start in life.
Applications will be considered by a panel following a referral process and funds will be subject to budgetary restrictions.
The scheme is accessed via a referral form which can be obtained from the Early Years Wales Additional Needs Coordinator on 01633 271528 or [email protected]
Download the Early Years Wales Additional Needs leaflet (pdf) for more details on how the scheme works.
Assisted Places
Early Years Wales also run an assisted places scheme.
The Assisted Places scheme helps families living in financial hardship to access childcare so that they can work or look for employment or training.
Funding support is offered to families on a low income or who are solely receiving benefits or families experiencing exceptional circumstances such as serious illness, mental health issues or learning difficulties.
Parents will need to evidence that they can meet the criteria before funding will be agreed and settings should ensure that applications are completed in detail to avoid delay.
Applications will be considered by a panel and funds are most likely to be awarded as part payment towards childcare costs and will be subject to budgetary restrictions.
Further information can be obtained from Early Years Wales on 01633 271528 or [email protected]