Childcare business support
Help us keep records up-to-date so that parents and carers can access accurate information about childcare provision in Newport - your business information will be displayed free of charge.
Tax-free childcare - are you ready?
Request planning pre-application advice for childminding premises
If you have a CSSIW registered childcare business in Newport and need new equipment, want to increase the number of childcare places offered or if your business is experiencing sustainability problems, Newport FIS may be able to help with a grant.
Applications are open to existing or new childcare providers with a childcare setting in Newport, who can show that services are provided within the Newport city boundary and who are registered or preparing to register with CSSIW.
Parent and toddler/ ti a fi groups may apply for grant 2, the equipment grant.
Please email Newport FIS to find out more.
External training
There are courses available on a number of topics, please email Newport FIS for details.
Newport City Council jobs
Check out the Newport City Council jobs pages for the latest vacancies.