Food poisoning & communicable disease

Read about food poisoning including the signs and symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention on NHS Choices.

Visit Gov.UK for information on specific types of food poisoning or infectious disease.  

Report food poisoning

If you think you have food poisoning it is important that you visit your GP so that tests can be carried out to find out what has caused the symptoms. 

If a food business is associated with the infection an environmental health officer may visit the premises and decide if action is required to improve standards. 

Report suspected food poisoning

Infection control guidance for businesses

Infection Prevention and Control in Care Homes: All Wales Guidance

Infection Prevention and Control for Childcare Setting (0-5 years) 

Guidelines for the management of norovirus outbreaks in acute and community health and social care settings

Privacy notice

Our communicable disease privacy notice (pdf) explains how we use your data.


Email [email protected] or contact the environmental health team at Newport City Council.

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