Belle Vue

Belle Vue Park_conservation area 1

Dynodwyd Belle Vue yn ardal gadwraeth ar 12 Ionawr 1976 ac mae yng nghanol Parc Fictoraidd Belle Vue, tua un cilomedr i’r de-orllewin o ganol dinas Casnewydd ac i’r de-orllewin o ardal gadwraeth Parc Stow.

Download Lawrlwyho cynllun o ardal gadwraeth Belle Vue (pdf)

Mae’r parc wedi’i restru fel Gradd II ar Gofrestr Tirweddau, Parciau a Gerddi o Ddiddordeb Hanesyddol Arbennig yng Nghymru ICOMOS / Cadw.

Mae saith adeilad rhestredig Gradd II o fewn cwrtil y parc a sawl un arall gerllaw.

Mae’r gofrestr parciau a gerddi hanesyddol yn disgrifio’r parc yn safle 35 erw a roddwyd i’r dref ym 1891 gan yr Arglwydd Tredegar fel parc cyhoeddus, er mwyn helpu i fynd i’r afael â diweithdra drwy adeiladu’r parc.

Yn fuddugol yn y gystadleuaeth i ddylunio’r parc oedd y cynllunydd gerddi enwog Thomas Mawson ac agorodd y parc ym 1894.

Cafodd ei gynllunio mewn arddull anffurfiol gyda llwybrau cerdded ysgubol, porfa a choed addurnol gyda gwaith creigiau, nant, pyllau a rhaeadrau yn ogystal â phwll addurnol (sydd bellach yn ardd berlysiau).

Ychydig yn hwyrach, ychwanegwyd pafiliwn te gyda therasau oddi tano, tai gwydr a chyfleusterau cyhoeddus megis lawnt fowlio.

Mae cabanau yn y mynedfeydd i’r gogledd ac i’r de, wedi’u hadeiladu o faen a gloddiwyd o’r parc wrth ei greu. Cafodd y pafiliwn te ei godi o’r maen hwn hefyd ym 1910.

Ger ochr orllewinol y parc, mae cylch o gerrig yr Orsedd a godwyd ym 1897 ar gyfer yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol.

Yn ffinio’r parc mae waliau o faen gyda rheilin uwch eu pen, ac mae’r prif fynedfeydd ar yr ochrau gogleddol a’r de, pob un ohonynt â gatiau haearn gyrru a chabanau ffrâm bren.

Mae llwybrau troellog yn croesi’r parc ac yn arwain at yr holl brif nodweddion. Yn y canol mae ceunant bach a chul y gwnaeth Mawson ei droi yn ardd ddŵr addurnol, gyda chreigiau, pyllau a rhaeadrau, a llwybrau’n troelli trwyddi a thros y nant.

Ar ochr ogleddol y parc mae ardal grwn â graean a oedd yn bwll yn wreiddiol.

Tua’r gorllewin o’r ardd ddŵr mae pafiliwn te dau lawr a adeiladwyd o garreg a theracota, gyda thai gwydr ar bob ochr.

Islaw mae cyfres o derasau a godwyd dros y llethr ar waliau cynnal enfawr o garreg.

Ar y top mae dau deras cul wedi’u gwahanu gan lethr o laswellt islaw, sy’n deras mawr siâp petryal gyda pharapet isel o faen a bastiwn crwn yn y ddwy gornel allanol. Yng nghanol hyn mae bandstand siâp octagon wedi’i adnewyddu. 

Mae digon o blanhigion yn y parc ac mae coed addurnol yn dyddio o gyfnodau cyn creu’r parc hyd at heddiw, gan gynnwys coed ffawydden aeddfed, coed ywen mawr, cedrwydd Atlas a Lebanon, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Ginkgo biloba a Liquidambar styraciflua.

Gwaith adfer 

Adferwyd Parc Belle Vue yn 2000 gyda chymorth gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri.

Gweld manylion adeiladau rhestredig Casnewydd


Cysylltwch â Chyngor Dinas Casnewydd a gofyn am y swyddog cadwraeth. 


The Belle Vue conservation area was designated on 12 January 1976 and is centred on the late Victorian Belle Vue Park, approximately one kilometre to the south west of Newport city centre and immediately to the south east of the Stow Park conservation area.

The park is listed Grade ll on the Cadw / ICOMOS Register of Landscapes, Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in Wales.

There are seven Grade II listed buildings within the curtilage of the park and several others nearby.

The register of historic parks and gardens describes the site as a 35 acre site that was given to the town in 1891 by Lord Tredegar for a public park, the construction of which would relieve unemployment.

A competition for its design was won by renowned garden designer, Thomas Mawson and the park opened in 1894.

It was laid out informally with sweeping walks, grass and ornamental trees, a small valley with rockwork, a stream, pools and cascades and an ornamental pool (now a herb garden).

Slightly later a tea pavilion with terraces below it, conservatories and public amenities such as bowling green, were added.

There are lodges at the north and south entrances, built from stone quarried from the park during construction, the tea pavilion was also built from this stone in 1910.

Near the western end of the park is a circle of stones known as a Gorsedd circle which was erected in 1897 for the National Eisteddfod.

The park is bounded by stone walls topped with railings, and the main entrances are on the north and south sides, each with wrought-iron gates and half-timbered lodges.

Winding paths criss-cross the park and lead to all the main features. In the middle is a small narrow ravine which Mawson turned into an ornamental water garden, with rockwork, pools and cascades, with paths winding through it and over the stream.

At the north end of the park is a gravelled circular area which was originally a pool.

To the west of the water garden is the two-storey tea pavilion built of stone and terracotta, flanked by conservatories.

Below is a series of terraces built out over the slope on massive stone revetment walls.

At the top are two narrow terraces separated by a grass slope below which is a large rectangular terrace with a low stone parapet and circular bastions in the two outer corners. In the middle of this is a restored octagonal bandstand. 

The park is well planted with ornamental trees dating from all periods from before the park’s creation to the present day including some fine mature beech trees, large yew trees, Atlas and Lebanon cedars, Metasequoia, glyptostroboides, Ginkgo biloba and Liquidambar styraciflua.


Belle Vue park was restored in 2000 with the help of funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

View details of Newport's listed buildings


Contact Newport City Council and ask for the conservation officer.